Source code for freedom.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A simple helper interface to the more complex releaser.

This is the programmatic entry-point if calling from another script but does NOT
verify kwargs.

from logging import getLogger
import copy

from .cli import cli
from .utils import update_dict

api_logger = getLogger('api')

def _exec(run, logger=api_logger, actions=None, handlers=None, **kwargs):
    new_kwargs = update_dict(copy.deepcopy(kwargs),
                             actions) if actions is not None else kwargs
    return cli(run=run, handlers=handlers, logger=logger, **new_kwargs)()

[docs]def main(run=False, logger_name=None, handlers=None, **kwargs): """ Everything - Publish this release to pypi (possibly including the docs) :param run: Immediately run the release, False - return an object on which can be called with no arguments. :param logger_name: logger name to use. :param kwargs: kwargs to pass to the releaser constructor. """ return _exec(run, logger_name, handlers, **kwargs)
[docs]def publish(run=False, logger_name=None, handlers=None, **kwargs): """ Publish this release to pypi (possibly including the docs) :param run: Immediately run the release, False - return an object on which can be called with no arguments. :param logger_name: logger name to use. :param kwargs: kwargs to pass to the releaser constructor. """ return _exec(run, logger_name, handlers, dict(tag=True, push=True, publish=True), **kwargs)
[docs]def release(run=False, logger_name=None, handlers=None, **kwargs): """ The full-monty: everything involved in a release. :param run: Immediately run the release, False - return an object on which can be called with no arguments. :param logger_name: logger name to use. :param kwargs: kwargs to pass to the releaser constructor. """ return _exec(run, logger_name, handlers, actions=dict(tag=True, push=True, publish=True), **kwargs)
[docs]def push(run=False, logger_name=None, handlers=None, **kwargs): """ Convenience method to Push the current code to git. FIXME: The exec dict is incorrect/need-updating. """ return _exec(run, logger_name, handlers, actions=dict(tag=False, push=True, publish=False, build=False), **kwargs)
[docs]def tag(run=False, logger_name=None, handlers=None, **kwargs): """ Tag the current release in git (auto-incrementing the version). FIXME: The exec dict is incorrect/need-updating. """ return _exec(run, logger_name, handlers, actions=dict(tag=True, push=False, publish=False, build=False), **kwargs)
[docs]def build(run=False, logger_name=None, handlers=None, **kwargs): """ Convenience method to Build the current release. FIXME: The exec dict is incorrect/need-updating. """ return _exec(run, logger_name, handlers, actions=dict(tag=False, push=False, publish=False, build=True), **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma no cover # Example using the api programmatically: def func(*args, **kwargs): print 'got event' kwargs = dict() # Default settings. cli = build(handlers=func, **kwargs) cli() # execute process. # or: cli = build(**kwargs) cli(handlers=func) # execute process.

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