Source code for freedom.apps

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:summary: All apps callable from either the bin/freedom-* scripts OR from the


import sys

from .api import build as api_build
from .api import main as api_main
from .api import publish as api_publish
from .api import push as api_push
from .api import release as api_release
from .api import tag as api_tag
from .errors import Exit, InteractiveAbort, InteractiveDeny
from .options import get_options

def build(run=True, **kwargs):
    return api_build(run=run, **get_options(standalone_mode=False, **kwargs))

def tag(run=True, **kwargs):
    return api_tag(run=run, **get_options(standalone_mode=False, **kwargs))

def release(run=True, **kwargs):
    return api_release(run=run, **get_options(standalone_mode=False, **kwargs))

def push(run=True, **kwargs):
    return api_push(run=run, **get_options(standalone_mode=False, **kwargs))

def publish(run=True, **kwargs):
    return api_publish(run=run, **get_options(standalone_mode=False, **kwargs))

[docs]def main_entry(run=True, **kwargs): """ Main entry point to the command-line app. :param kwargs: kwargs exported by the click module. """ try: return api_main(run=run, **get_options(standalone_mode=False, **kwargs)) except Exit: sys.exit(0) except (InteractiveAbort, InteractiveDeny) as err: sys.stderr.write(str(err) + '\n') sys.exit(-1)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma no cover pass

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